Frontend software developer


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— Has more than 3 years of experience in building complex responsive, SEO-friendly and cross-device applications with JS (TypeScript, ReactJS/Redux/Mobx), HTML/CSS.
— Participated in all phases of enterprise project lifecycle including requirements development, tasks estimation, implementation, testing, and deployment into production.
— A fast learner, responsible, a team player with a great desire to work and bring value.


— Good knowledge and experience with OOP (SOLID)
— Professional approach to the task execution, writing readable and reusable code
— Code Review, writing unit tests
— Deep knowledge of optimizing frontend applications for various browsers and devices
— Planning and features estimating
— Experience of working in Agile (Scrum, Kanban) teams
— Active interaction with the Team during the project implementation
— Experience of live demonstrations of results to the customer

— Languages: JavaScript, Typescript, HTML5, CSS3, SASS
— Frameworks: ReactJS, Redux, Mobx
— Tools: Git, Webpack, Jest, Postman, Photoshop, Figma


Frontend software developer, Itransition
Август 2021 - по настоящее время

I can't say anything yet

Frontend software developer, Транспортные информационные системы
Апрель 2019 - Август 2021

Registration web application
Industry: Transport
Description of the project: A website where the user enters information about himself and his company to register in the system. The website provides a variety of additional features and some integrations.
Position: Frontend software engineer
Team size / Duration: 2 Developers, 1 QA, 1 PM/BA / About 1 year
- Project architecture
- Choice of tools
- General interface development
- Features estimating and planning
- Stabilization, optimization and bug-fixing
- Demonstrations
- Team communication
Tools and technologies: JS, HTML, CSS, SASS, Git, React, Mobx, Ant.Design

B2B platform for transport companies
Industry: Transport
Description of the project: A platform for interaction and settlements between a transport company and its servicing enterprises, incl. customer of transportation services.
Position: Frontend software engineer
Team size: 3 Developers, 1 QA, 1 BA, 0.5 PM / 1.5 years
- Project architecture
- Choice of tools
- New Feature development using React/Redux
- Features estimating and planning
- Stabilization, optimization and bug-fixing
- Demonstrations
- Team communication
Tools and technologies: React, Redux, JS, HTML, CSS, SASS, Git, Bitbucket, Firebase, WebSocket

Microfrontend “Company tab” for existing software
Industry: Finance
Description of the project: A project that integrates into existing software, allowing the service provider to generate invoices, and the consumer to pay for them. Track contractual relations between the operator and its customers.
Position: Frontend software engineer
Team size: 3 Developers, 1 QA, 1 BA, 0.5 PM / 1.5 years
- Project architecture
- Choice of tools
- New Feature development using React/Redux
- Features estimating and planning
- Stabilization, optimization and bug-fixing
- Demonstrations
- Team communication
Tools and technologies React, Redux, JS, HTML, CSS, SASS, Git, Gitea, GraphQL TypeScript


Software developer
Сентябрь 2017 - Июнь 2021

О себе
Читаю профессиональную литературу на английском языке


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