Python Developer


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I'm looking for a team with a good code culture, where processes are well established, mentoring at the first steps of work and an atmosphere of support and mutual assistance reigns in order to apply the acquired knowledge as efficiently as possible, learn new things in the process of work and bring maximum benefit to the team and the company.

At the moment I am studying on Hexlet as a Python Developer and have completed the following project:

Brain Games
A set of five console math games.

Gained skills:
- setting up a working environment (WSL, poetry, flake8, Makefile)
- planning and implementation of the program architecture (modules, packages, scripts)
- building, publishing and installing the package
- work with Git, CodeClimate
- implementing PEP8 encoding standards with flake8 linter
- continuous integration (CI) using Github Actions.

I have tried HTML, CSS, JavaScript, but stopped at Python. I liked its syntax, clarity, readability and great opportunities in various fields.


Python 3, Git, Linux (Ubuntu), HTML, Poetry, Flake8, GitHub Actions, PyCharm
English - C1 (summer schools in Ireland, Canada)


Legal Counsel, Emerging Travel Group (
Апрель 2022 - по настоящее время

• performing legal research
• managing international projects
• legal representation in courts

Lawyer, Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
Август 2020 - Апрель 2022

• drafting contracts
• preparation of contract amendments, termination letters
• translating corporate documents
• performing legal research

Legal Assistant, Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Ноябрь 2019 - Август 2020

• document management within the Legal Department
• responding to litigation claims
• providing administrative support for the Legal Department

Legal Assistant, DUNLOP Tire CIS
Май 2019 - Август 2019

• drafting agreements
• performing legal research
• providing written translations


Moscow State University, Law School
Сентябрь 2014 - Июнь 2020

О себе
Свободно владею английским языком


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