C++ Software Developer (Qt, Cross-Platform, Automation)


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Programming is my hobby since the early 1990s.
I have in-depth knowledge in the field of physics, higher mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, electronics.
My interests in IT:
- Development of industrial automation software for Linux, Windows and macOS (C++, Qt)
- Development of scripting API frameworks (JavaScript, JS-engines, C++ backend) for production - Electrotechnical modeling (C++, Matlab, Simulink, SPICE)
- 2D and 3D-graphics, visualization (C++, Qt, OpenGL, GLSL)
- GUI Development (Qt, QML, JavaScript; previously: WinAPI, MFC)
- Expert systems and Artificial Intelligence (CLIPS)
Programming languages and frameworks from my practice: C++17, Qt/QML, JavaScript, Matlab+Simulink, Java, Julia, Fortran, Pascal, HTML, and others.
I prefer creative, long-term projects related to high technologies and the development of intelligent systems


С++ (17) – Upper intermediate, currently using, 4 years exp.
Qt, QML – Upper Intermediate, currently using, 4 years
Bash, Unix – Upper Intermediate, currently using, 3 years
Git, GitLab – Upper Intermediate, currently using, 3 years
Matlab – Upper intermediate, previously, 3 years
JavaScript (ES6) – Intermediate, currently using, 2 years
OpenGL, GLSL – Intermediate, previously, 3 years


C++ Software Engineer (Back-end, Front-end, Embedded, Production), Infomir Ukraine
Ноябрь 2016 - Июнь 2020

Main Goals and Responsibilities:
- Development of production automation software in C++, using JavaScript as a language for plug-in scripts (cross-platform projects for PCs with a graphical interface)
- Development of C++ embedded software (processing of video streams, working with the ffmpeg library) - Setting up the automated production lines, software implementation, launch and adjustment of engineering stands

Lecturer, Assistant Professor (Education, Electric Power Industry, IT), Donets'k National Technical University, Ukraine
Февраль 2014 - Июнь 2014

Activities in the IT:
- Software developer for power plants and systems of Ukraine (C++ and MatLab). Took part in the commercial projects related to the optimization of power supply systems operating modes in Ukraine and Belarus. The author and the main developer of the PowerNetTM Simulator project
Scientific Activities:
- Research of electrophysical processes in high voltage networks
- Transient research in large multi-machine power systems and networks
- Developing of mathematical models, methods and their software realization
- Optimization of operating modes in Smart Grid power systems with renewable energy sources
Ph.D.: "Electrical Power Plants, Networks and Systems"
Teaching Disciplines:
- Mathematical Modeling in the Power Industry - High Voltage Engineering
- Smart Tools in Electrical Power Systems
- Renewable Energy Sources

О себе
Могу проходить интервью на английском языке


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