Junior Python Backend Developer


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As a Junior Python developer, I am eager to apply my recently acquired skills. I am open to both remote/hybrid work and relocation. My experience includes Python Crash Course and ongoing Hexlet Python developer courses. I am passionate about creating projects that help people in their daily lives and am excited to bring my skills to a new opportunity. As the start point I see myself as Backend Developer.
I left the maritime industry to pursue a career as a Python developer in order to remain closer to family and avoid work-life separation. The expiring working license in February 2023 and changes in the world presented an opportunity to switch to a new field.


Start of education (Hexlet): 09 January 2023

Gendiff - difference generator. 2nd project in Hexlet.
It's a CLI tool to distinguish the difference in two JSON and/or YAML files. The output could be in plain text, detailed difference, or be JSON dictionary.

Skills Practiced:
Test Driven Development (TDD), working with abstract data (a difference tree), and recursion, parsing JSON, and YAML.

* Python
* Poetry
* Argparse
* Git
* GitHub Actions
* Code Climate

Brain games - a set of CLI mathematical games. 1st project in Hexlet.
Games to practice mind in mathematics.

Skills Practiced:
Basic Python, creation of common API, creation of scripts, and Git.

* Python
* Poetry
* Git
* GitHub
* Code Climate

As part of my self-education, I completed projects in Python Crash Course:
Alien Invasion - game similar to original Atari game Space Invaders.
Data Visualization - (parse CSV and GeoJSON in Matplotlib and Plotly) visualization of fires, earthquakes, rainfalls, random walk, die (6, 12 and so on) statistics.
Work with API - parsing Hacker News and GitHub API and visualizing it.

* Python Crash Course 2nd Edition by Eric Matthes
* Learn to code by solving problems by Daniel Zingaro
* Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava

About me:

Aside from my professional skills, my diverse experience outside of work can also bring added value to the company. For example, I have hosted an English speaking club in Saint-Petersburg from 2018 to 2022, which has strengthened my communication and leadership skills. I have also volunteered in Ziferblat, a timecafe, in 2018 and engaged in various eco-friendly activities to promote sustainable living. During my free time, I enjoy gardening and have successfully grown two apple trees and one watermelon in a pile of soil onboard vessels, as well as riding my bicycle. Additionally, I have served as a supervisor during elections, which showcases my strong organizational and interpersonal skills.


Technical skills:
* Python
* Poetry
* Pyenv
* Git
* Familiar with Continuous Integration (CI) such as GitHub Actions and Code Climate.
* Bash

* PyCharm
* Unix (Linux)
* Vim


Navigation Officer (3rd Officer), Zodiac LTD
Март 2021 - Август 2022

Joined company in February 2020, promoted from Deck Cadet to Trainee Officer in 08.2020 and promoted again to 3rd Officer in 03.2021 after four months on the next vessel. Demonstrated the ability to learn quickly and adapt to new environments, contributing to a seamless transition in the role.

  • Worked onboard LPG carriers, responsible for propane and butane transportation across multiple international locations
  • Conducted navigational and cargo watch duties, maintained fire fighting equipment, and ensured crew documents were in order
  • Redesigned document flow for routine jobs, reorganized working directories in a structured manner on the working PC, and disposed of outdated and misleading documentation of navigational, fire, and safety equipment
  • Designed vessel plans for mooring operation and schemed all ventilation openings for fire, port, and sea passage cases


Navigational Engineer, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Сентябрь 2013 - Июнь 2018

О себе
Готов к релокации в другую страну
Читаю профессиональную литературу на английском языке
Проживаю в городе Yerevan, Armenia


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