Джуниор Backend-разработчик (Полный день) – Ticon

Вакансия в архиве
Джуниор Backend-разработчик
Тип занятости
Полный день
О компании

Ticon delivers accurate traffic maps with dashboards, as well as highly detailed reports, containing all relevant traffic data in a convenient, easy-to-read format. Its reports are based on in-depth knowledge of traffic engineering and on expert consideration of the specificity of our Consumers’ industries, which ensures 100% confidence in the optimal solution. Innovative Ticon algorithm mines and processes terabytes of multi-sourced big data using multivariate analysis to produce traffic information focused on your particular location: city, neighborhood, street, or even exact address

О проекте

This is an independent project that has the potential to become a large company separate from Ticon in the future

  • You'll be responsible for the back-end part of one of the projects - at the moment, the company is developing an interactive map that helps their customers choose a place for business, based on information about the population, the number of restaurants, cafes, gas stations, hotels, etc. in this territory. You'll be developing the internal website for clients of that project
  • Good knowledge of English - we expect you to have at least B1-B2 level of English to understand documentation, read comments, etc. The Developers team communicates in Russian, but sometimes it could be necessary to communicate with the Marketing team in English
  • Knowledge of Java SE - the company is using the 18th version currently
  • Knowledge of Spring/Hibernate
  • Knowledge of PostgreSQL
  • You're able to make informed architectural decisions - the company uses GitHub to do code reviews and take care of a clean architecture
  • Ability to create layouts on the basis of prepared design and without it

Not necessary but will be a plus

  • Familiarity and experience with PostGIS, hexagonal architecture, CQRS, microservice architecture, message queues
Условия и Бонусы

• Full-time employment (8 working hours per day, 5/2)
• Remote work
• Stability - this is not an internship or project work, we consider only the candidates looking for a long-term commitment
• Quick selection process

от 900 $ (На руки)
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