Mid-level frontend(JS/React) software developer


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Career objective: Mid-level frontend(JS/React) software developer
Keywords: Frontend, JavaScript, React.JS, Redux, Bootstrap, Webpack, git, Node.JS
My first degree was a software developer, I started and continued my career as a database developer in client-server architecture (C++ Builder, Oracle PL/SQL) in big companies. Then I came to management (PM, head of PM office, CEO, CFO).
For now I came back to software developing, because this is still my passion. Also this will allow me to work remotely.


Strong proficiency in JavaScript, including DOM manipulation and the JavaScript object model;
Thorough understanding of React.js and its core principles;
Experience with popular React.js workflows (Redux etc);
Familiarity with newer specifications of EcmaScript;
Test driven development (jest);
Experience with common front-end development tools such as Bootstrap, Babel, Webpack, NPM, etc;
Familiarity with code versioning tools(git, gitHub);
HTML5, CSS3 knowledge;
Understanding of the modern development methodologies such as Waterfall, Agile (Scrum, Kanban);
Ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements to satisfy customer needs;


developer, Freelance projects
Февраль 2019 - Февраль 2020

Individual freelance projects, improvement of professional skills in new front-end development techs: advanced software engineering training program (JS, React, Redux, etc...)

Head of PM office, CFO, IT counselor, FinServiceConsulting group of companies.
Февраль 2007 - Декабрь 2018

Optimization of the full IT environment of the company (2018);
Implementation and automatization of the common managing and financial accounting system with ERP functions - “Intalev corporate management” (2008-2009);
Business processes automation in Treasury with integration to the common accounting system (up to 1000 payments daily, including SWIFT);
Migration of all financial and managerial accounting to the Fingrad accounting system. (2014-2015)

Chief Executive Officer, SystemGroup
Сентябрь 2005 - Июнь 2007

Start up of Russian branch. Recruitment, organization of business processes, logistic chains;
Creation and certification of authorized service provider of Symbol, Zebra;
Client project - development and implementation RFID MMS for full manufacturing cycle;
Client project - developing and implementation RFID WMS for Domodedovo terminal;

Project Manager for international IT projects, Service Plus AT
Ноябрь 2003 - Август 2005

Projects with big retailers – Metro Cash&Carry, Auchan, IKEA. Software developing and hardware installations. Access control, CCTV, cash-registers. Adaptation and legalization of cash-register software etc.

Software developer, Metro Cash&Carry, Moscow
Февраль 2001 - Сентябрь 2003

C++, Oracle PL/SQL, SQL.
Updating and administration of the local goods managing system. Implementation and starting to production IT system for alcohol wholesale.

Software developer, OAO Most Bank, Moscow
Июль 1996 - Февраль 2001

C++, C++ Builder, Oracle PL/SQL, SQL, Borland Delphi.
Main project - Depository for securities (third part of bank balance)


California State University, EastBay/ Moscow branch, MBA degree
Сентябрь 2003 - Июль 2006
Moscow State University (Lomonosov), Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Master degree - software developer
Сентябрь 1990 - Июль 1996

О себе
Свободно владею английским языком


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Добрый день!
Из того, что я могла бы рекомендовать:
1. Я бы заменила выражение "For now I coming back to software developing.." на I am going to come back или даже на perfect tense, поскольку у вас есть четкое намерение это сделать, и вы даже уже ведете проекты как разработчик - это уже результат вашего возвращения. Можно оставить и так, но добавьте тогда глагол "to be" в нужной форме.
2. Там, где freelance пару проектов, мне кажется, что можно кратко описать.
3. Было бы хорошо добавить achievements, которые выражались бы в цифрах (сроки, деньги и тд), особенно там, где CEO и PM.
Ну и помните всегда, если вы хотите искать работу именно как разработчик, всегда делайте на этом акцент в резюме, везде, где это можно сделать.

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