Python developer


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My name is Mikhail Orlov. I am looking for a full-time or part-time Python/Backend developer position. Remote work format is in priority. Ready for relocation.

I have tried such languages as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, settled on Python. I like its syntax and simplicity, despite this: great opportunities in various areas. Before programming, I did't know what to connect my life with. But once I wrote the first code, I could't stop!

At my young age, I have a responsible attitude to the assigned tasks. Also, of soft-skills, I can note the ability to search for the right information, or turn to an experienced specialist, in case of difficulties in the task.

There is a great desire to join a development team with a good code culture, where processes, mentoring, and an atmosphere of support and mutual assistance prevail, in order to do what you love most effectively and bring maximum benefit to the team and the company.

I trained at Hexlet in the Python Developer program and have done the following projects:

1. Brain Games

A set of five console math games.

Gained skills:

  • setting up the environment: Ubuntu, PyCharm, pip package installer, virtual environments, Poetry (building the project distribution and installing it);
  • connecting additional libraries;
  • implementation of PEP8 coding standards using the flake8 linter;
  • working with Git and Github;
  • Continuous Integration (CI) using Github Actions;
  • development of project architecture - isolation of side effects, the ability to add new games.

2. Gendiff

A command line utility. Defines the difference between JSON/YAML files with a choice of output format diff.

Gained skills:

  • work with data tree structure and recursion;
  • argparse library, work with command line parameters;
  • json and PyYaml file libraries;
  • TDD practice, automatic tests, Pytest framework, CodeClimate.

3. Page loader

A command line utility for downloading web pages to a selected directory. It downloads all objects of an HTML document along with the page, allowing the page to be opened without access to the Internet.

Gained skills:

  • BeautifulSoup4 library for parsing HTML pages;
  • requests library for sending HTTP requests;
  • work with the file system;
  • work with exceptions and errors;
  • testing of the programme's operation using mock-tests and temporary directories to isolate the programme's side effects;
  • monitoring of the utility's operation by means of logging.

4. Page analyzer

A website that analyses specified pages for SEO suitability.

Gained skills:

  • worked out the basic principles of the MVC-architecture;
  • sent SQL-queries to the database using the psycopg library;
  • used Bootsrtap5 components for the visual design;
  • the application itself is based on the Flask framework.

5. Task manager

Task Manager is a task management system. It allows you to set tasks, assign performers, and change their statuses.

Gained skills:

  • worked with SQL database using the Django ORM;
  • the application itself is based on the Django framework.

From books I've read:

  • Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software. Charles Petzold (learned a lot about the inner workings of the computer);
  • The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers. Robert Martin (gave a lot of useful advice about teamwork and different programming techniques);
  • Grokking algorithms. Aditya Bhargava (thanks to this book, an idea of basic algorithms appeared).

Also I have listened to the podcast "Thoughts and Methods", which brings up topics of computer hardware, the Internet, math and etc.

  • Python
  • Poetry
  • Ubuntu
  • Vim
  • pymongo
  • AWS
  • Git, Github, CI (Actions), Github Pages
  • Automatic testing (Pytest)
  • flake8, PEP8
  • Knowledge of Python OOP principles
  • Working with cli
  • Regexp
  • BeautifulSoup4
  • requests
  • requests-mock
  • logging
  • flask
  • SQL (DBMS: PostgreSQL)
  • Django / Django ORM
Описание проектов


Python developer, Botprise
Botprise is enabling agile enterprise in Hyperautomation using smart bots with advanced AI and workflow automation.
Апрель 2023 - по настоящее время

As a Python Developer at Botprise, I specialize in creating efficient automations and integrations with various services. My responsibilities include implementing new features that enhance system functionality in relation to these automations, as well as addressing and resolving bugs to ensure optimal performance. In the course of my work, I extensively utilize technologies such as AWS, Flask, boto3, MongoDB, REST API, and manage tasks through Jira.

Dialogue design specialist (intern), Evolwe
Ноябрь 2022 - Декабрь 2022

My responsibilities during the internship were:
- Study documents on the description of potential users and bot characteristics
- Work with user flow
- Compose content for the bot
- Write human-like and conversational messages for empathic AI
- Work with an intent machine
- Test a new version of the chatbot
- Participation in writing a dialog graph
- Clustering custom replicas
- Writing prompts for the bot
- Testing new models, such as Babbage, Curie, GooseAI
- Writing intents
- Work with bot text markup in Label Studio and in the web interface


Yanka Kupala State University. Faculty of Biology and Ecology. Specialization in scientific and pedagogical activity.
Сентябрь 2022 - Апрель 2023

О себе
Проживаю в городе

Ready for relocation.
I can do interviews on English.
Currently live in Poznań, Poland.


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