Junior Frontend-developer


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My name is Asya, I'm a beginner web developer. Looking for a job in an interesting project for the position of junior frontend developer. Graduated from frontend developer program at Hexlet school and now participate in Open source projects.

Completed projects:

1. Chat
The frontend part of a web application, a simplified analog of Slack chat. Chat is developed in React + Redux Toolkit.

- React development using React Hooks
- Redux Toolkit usage
- Deployment on Heroku
- Layout - React-Bootstrap
- Routing - React-Router
- interacting with a server via web-sockets (Socket.IO)
- interacting with server REST API
- working with Formik, React-Toastify, leo-profanity, yup libraries
- interface text organization (react-i18next library)

2. RSS-aggregator
Web application for reading RSS. Allows you to add an unlimited number of RSS feeds, after which the application independently tracks updates to the entries.

- Working with DOM API in native JS
- Layout: HTML/CSS, Bootstrap
- Project assembling - Webpack, Deployment on Vercel
- DOM API handling
- working with libraries yup, i18next, on-change
- asynchronous JS: timers, Promise, async/await
- http request handling (axios)

3. Difference Calculator
A console program that determines the difference between JSON/YAML files with a choice of diff output format.

- use of tree recursion
- basics of good application organization
- QC in Codeclimate
- working with fs, path modules
- unit-testing in Jest

4. Mind Games
A set of five math console games.

- architecture construction
- Eslint, CodeClimate
- Working with Git / GitHub / GitHub Actions
- Using lodash library

5. ZaDigital
SEO website.

- Adaptive layout using CSS animation
- Gulp

6. ToDo list
A to-do list app with the ability to mark completed to-do lists.

- Vue.js.

My other projects can be found at GitHub or at Portfolio.

I have been working as an internet project manager for over 8 years. I've taken part in business development for over 200 companies (e.g. Pleer.ru, Russian Standard Bank, СTС and Domashniy TV channels). Worked in a team, and was responsible for all communication with clients. I participated in tenders for large companies (e.g. Johnson & Johnson, CTC).

I've always enjoyed solving complex problems, considering different ways of achieving results, and learning new things. I like when my brain is actively working and I like things to be neat, structured, and clear. That's why I've come to web development!

Now it's important for me to immerse myself in the process of real development in a team of professionals who are passionate about what they do and willing to share their experiences.

A little about myself: I like traveling, lead an active lifestyle - I go snowboarding, skiing, enjoy hiking and just relaxing in nature. Last year climbed to the top of Elbrus. I live in Luxembourg with my husband and a big dog.

  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • HTML, CSS (Grid, Flexbox), SCSS, Pug
  • React, React Hooks, Redux, Redux Toolkit
  • Webpack, Gulp
  • ESLint
  • Git, GitHub
  • Jest
  • Vue.js (basics)
  • Experience in Open Source projects


Freelancer, Freelance
Сентябрь 2018 - по настоящее время
  • I have been involved in projects to websites promotion
  • I have developed landing pages and simple websites
  • Doing self-education
  • I have been working on my own project - I've made wooden cutting boards and interior items
Project Manager, Kokoc Group
Июль 2015 - Август 2018
  • Supervised the work on the promotion of sites
  • Conducted all communication with the client, presented ideas and accounted for the result (analytical reports) to the client
  • Supervised document flow and payments
  • Built trusting relationships with many clients (including Pleer.ru, Russian Standard Bank, etc.)
  • Developed negotiation skills (for example, presented the company's ideas for Johnson&Johnson)
  • Mastered the tools of web-analytics (Ya.Metrika, Google Analytics)
  • Generated 1.2 million RUB a month for the company through clients payments.
Project Manager, Trilan
Июнь 2013 - Июнь 2015
  • Supervised the work on the promotion of sites
  • Conducted all communication with the client, presented ideas and accounted for the result (analytical reports) to the client
  • Supervised document flow and payments
  • Interviewed potential colleagues
  • Was a mentor to new colleagues


Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics - Engineer's degree, Networks and telecommunication systems
Сентябрь 2008 - Июль 2014

О себе
Не готов релоцироваться
Читаю профессиональную литературу на английском языке
Проживаю в городе Luxembourg


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