Python developer


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As a student I have extensive experience with Linux system administration for networks of about 100 nodes. I have been using it as desktop/server-side OS for the last 20 years. Currently maintain a couple of Ubuntu servers hosting small business sites of acquaintances with up to 50 visitors a day.

For the last year I've been learning a lot of programming in the direction of Python-Pytest - Docker-Django. For me - preferred tasks is which imply learning new material. I plan to develop in several directions: web applications, IoT.

Completed educational projects
Console application (a set of several games which offer
The user to find the missing number in the progression, the value of an arithmetic
expression, etc.)
stack: poetry, pytest, flake8, asciinema, Markdown

Analyzer for difference between two files in tree structure. Supports input
File formats: json, yaml. Analyzes their structure, builds internal
data representation. Outputs results in several formats
stack: argparse,codeclimate, test-cov, Exceptions, github-actions

A console utility that performs full-fledged web page loading with content for local viewing or analysis.
Stack: logging, BeautifulSoup, mocking

Task Manager
Django application - Task Manager. The application allows users to register (with form validation), create tasks and assign performers from among the registered users. Each of the tasks can be assigned to a category (the list is editable) and apply a tag list (also editable).
The project's frontend uses bootstrap4, i18n translate, flash message

Due to the passing of all the courses of the program, working on expanding the stack. Taking part in open source projects, studying ansible, redis, docker


Python, Pytest, Django, HTML, Joomla, Git, Docker, Flask, Mysql, TCP/IP, bash, ansible, docker, redis


Teacher of programming, AGATON LIMITED (
Март 2022 - по настоящее время

Teaching children and teenagers to program in Scratch, AppInventor, Python in a remote format.

linux system administrator, IoT python developer, freelance
Апрель 2014 - Июль 2021

Independently designed and implemented a control system for a solid fuel boiler based on RaspberryPI. (ARM Linux - Python): traction control and ventilation system with stepper motors, air quality sensors, display information, automatic remote control and system monitoring with Zabbix)

System administrator, [Microline](
Август 2010 - Декабрь 2010

The company is engaged in the development of electronics. Serviced the installation area, sales department, developers. (About 40 machines in total). Helpdesk, implementation of required technologies. Ubuntu linux - 2 servers. They host the company website, software development environment.

System/network administrator, [Ancor](
Январь 2005 - Декабрь 2006

Full support for an office of 25 employees. Purchased equipment, installed, maintained two servers on alt linux, implemented the required technology.
Independently studied php css to write in-office scheduling page for meeting room occupancy.
Programming the office PBX, setting up receiving faxes by modem in one of the servers.

technical support engineer, "Region Group"
Июнь 2003 - Ноябрь 2003

In those days the Internet was not so widely available and the duties were to deliver and install updates to the law-database system Conslant+. Also assisted users with typical office computer tasks.


[NNGU, radiophysics faculty](
Сентябрь 2000 - Июль 2005

О себе
Готов к релокации
Читаю профессиональную литературу на английском языке
Проживаю в городе Batumi, Georgia


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