Frontend Developer


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I am looking for an internship or job as a front-end developer. I am considering vacancies with remote work, and I am willing to relocate. I started learning programming and web development 5 years ago while working as an auto mechanic. Since then, I have completed numerous free courses on various platforms, including, HTMLAcademy, and Udemy. I currently have one completed project on the Hexlet platform, a small number of layout designs for websites, and one project using React and the Marvel API. I am actively studying JavaScript and plan to continue my development as a React front-end developer.

As a JavaScript Frontend Developer, I have a strong command of the core web development technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I'm experienced in building responsive and engaging user interfaces that leverage the latest web technologies, frameworks, and libraries. I'm also comfortable working with task runners like GULP and utilizing Bootstrap Grid for seamless layout implementation.

In addition to technical skills, I'm also familiar with using Git/GitHub for version control and repository management. I have experience with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and have integrated frontend layouts into popular Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress.

My proficiency with text editors like Vim and VS Code, coupled with my ability to collaborate and communicate effectively in a team environment, make me a valuable asset to any web development project.

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • GULP
  • NPM
  • YARN
  • Bootstrap Grid
  • Bootstrap 4 and 5
  • Git/GitHub/GitHub Actions
  • Worked with Vim
  • Use VS Code
  • Worked with AWS
  • Have experience integrating layouts into the WordPress CMS.


Junior Web Designer, InfuseMedia
Март 2022 - по настоящее время

I work remotely for an American lead generation company as part of a team of 20 people.

- Creating design layouts for email newsletters.
- Cross-browser table-based layout of email layouts.
- Creating design layouts for landing pages.
- Cross-browser and responsive layout of landing pages.
- Working with CMS Bitrix and AWS.

- Participated in the UX/UI overhaul of the company's internal tools and platforms, resulting in improved UX and reduced task completion time. Also completely redesigned the UI in accordance with the company's brand guide.
- Helped develop methods to shorten the time it takes to create custom landing page layouts, resulting in a 50% reduction in task completion time.


Pastry Chef, Vocational School No. 43
Сентябрь 2004 - Май 2007

О себе
Готов к релокации
Читаю профессиональную литературу на английском языке
Проживаю в городе Alanya


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