Junior Python Developer
Looking for a full-time or part-time job as a Junior Python-Developer.
At the moment I am taking a course Python-Developer at Hexlet.
I would like to improve myself with the team of friendly and experienced people, solve captivating and challenging programming tasks. Fascinated with computers and technologies.
Used to solve different amateur problems with PCs, LAN before programming adventure.
I am familiar with computers and different operating systems.
Brain Games
Brain Games is a python project which will test your arithmetic skills. Every game asks three questions and if all your answers are right, it tells that you have won the games. If you give wrong answer, the game ends and you can run it again.
- Python
- Poetry
- Git
- Different Python libs
- Flake8 linter configuration
Console program for finding differences between two given YAML or JSON files.
- Work with tree-like data structures
- Recursive data traversal
- Argparse
- Pytest
- CI (GitActions, CodeClimate)
Program for downloading web-pages and available resources such as images, scripts and css files.
Web scrapping
- Working with file system, reading and writing files
- Pathlib
- BeautifulSoup
- Requests/requests_mock
- Pytest
- CI (GitActions, CodeClimate)
Task manager
Task manager web app powered by Django
- Django framework
- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- PostrgreSQL
- Deployment
- CRUD, m2m, o2m relations
- Django tests
- Python
- Poetry
- Pytest
- Git
- Html, CSS
- Linux
- Pydicom
- Flask
- Django
- FastAPI
- Asyncio
- Aiogram
- Docker
- PostgreSQL
Service engineer
Свободно владею английским языком
Проживаю в городе Санкт-Петербург