Frontend Developer


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I am a Fullstack Web Developer — I strive to perform at a high level, both technically and interpersonally. I have experience in Blockchain development with Ethereum mainly. I also write in C/C++ when needed, and have made browser plugins. Also I contributed to open source web projects.


Currently I live in Batumi, Georgia.
+995511221799,, tg@dimafbi,,


Programming languages: TypeScript, JavaScript, Solidity, Rust, Go, C++

Technologies: Angular, React, Vue, Nx, Node.js, NestJS,, Module Federation, CI/CD, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker, Extension Development, Web3 Development

Tools: GitHub, GitLab, Jira, Yandex Tracker, Grafana


Frontend Engineer, 12 STOREEZ (Aug 2021 - Present)

Rewrote a warehouse application from Vue to Angular with Module Federation. Project was on Scrum methodology.

  • Configured Micro-Frontends - Angular partially, by pages, inserted into Vue application.
  • Worked mainly with Frontend, but also rewrote a couple of Backend features.
  • Covered business logic code with unit tests using Jest both on Frontend and Backend.
  • Created great sustainability by wrapping all Angular features into Vue's features toggle with fallback on Vue. If the Angular server is unavailable, Vue will toggle off Angular.
  • Merged Python and Vue into monorepo, configured Gitlab "Review Apps".
  • Created Angular schematics using Nx.
  • Participated in event storming.
  • Filling the role of UI Designer: Creating design on my own with Angular Material.
  • Invented powerful "ButtonsAdapter" and "ColumnsAdapter" classes to simplify reusability of PrimeNG data table with high reusable table component that could be configured easily.
  • Participated in code review sessions.
  • Mentored Junior developer.
  • Led retrospective.
  • Participated in grooming and everyday status reporting with the team and PM.
  • Worked in small team closely with Backend developer

Frontend Web developer, KODE (Oct 2020 - Jul 2021)

Worked on large projects built on React / React Native using Agile.

  • Created an overlay interface for geographical map using React and MUI.
  • Built a drag n drop list that connects with geographical map (with geometric shapes) in two-way binding. If you hover over the list, the zone will be highlighted. And vice versa.
  • Made the Frontend application to be responsive.
  • Filling role of UI Designer when UI Designer was not on project.
  • Refactored React components that were not prepared for responsibility.
  • Launched medical check-ups feature..
  • Set up PlopJs file generation for features, to easily generate new ones and connect Redux store, mobile and desktop menus, router.

Fullstack Web Developer, Freelance (Apr 2020 - Oct 2020)

  • Created and deployed my own website for study tasks management with authorization, role-management using React, Node.js, MongoDB.
  • Created an online chat application with video calls using React, WebRTC, Node.JS,

Additional education

Courses: Beginning C++ Programming, The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course 2020, Advanced CSS and Sass, JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2020 (Beginner + Advanced), JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts, Design Patterns in JavaScript, The Complete Guide to Advanced React Component Patterns, NestJS, Electron From Scratch, The Modern Angular Bootcamp, Angular Core Deep Dive, NgRx, Rust & WebAssembly with JS, Solana Blockchain Developer Bootcamp with Rust + JavaScript


Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Bachelor's degree, Information Technology (Sep 2019 - Present)

Southern Federal University (SFEDU)

Bachelor's degree, Information Technology (Sep 2018 - Jun 2019)


Terra Blockchain Bridge Dashboard - April 2022

Wrote a Fullstack application which is using NextJS and NestJS for parsing and analysing the TERRA blockchain data and saves in MongoDB. The main goal was to have some analysis data, and produce chart graphs for data visualization. It was made to be a Docker application for ease of installation and configuration

Referral Registration Service for cryprowallet - February 2022

Wrote a Fullstack web application using RxJs and NodeJS(express). It was divided into micro services for: create an account, parse email, confirm register using Selenium. When a specific request is done, the Selenium app should close. The application would automate registration, scan, and logging events.

Web Extension Development - January 2019

Wrote a browser extension to easy encrypted communication between contacts in VK with AES256 symmetric encryption. Essentially, when users have exchanged private keys, they can easily send each other secured messages using the default VK chat.


TypeScript, JavaScript, Solidity, Rust, Go, C++, Angular, React, Vue, Nx, Node.js, NestJS,, Module Federation, CI/CD, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker, Extension Development, Web3 Development, GitHub, GitLab, Jira, Yandex Tracker, Grafana

О себе
Готов к релокации
Могу проходить интервью на английском языке
Проживаю в городе Батуми


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