Junior Frontend Developer


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I'm looking for a job for the position of Junior Frontend Developer. Ready to work both in the office and remotely. Currently in Bangkok, ready for relocation.

I am undergoing training in the Frontend Developer program on the Hexlet platform. Completed JS and React modules and finished my graduation project. Began studying TypeScript basics. I am eager to enter the field of IT and get my first job in front-end development.

Completed projects:

Brain games

Five console games based on simple mathematical principles. Each game asks a user question and provides feedback on whether the answer is correct or incorrect. After three correct answers, the game is done. Wrong answers quit the game and suggest playing one more time.
Acquired skills:
- JavaScript basics
- Setting up the environment: VSCode, NodeJS, Npm, ESLint;
- Working with Remotes: Git, GitHub, CodeClimate;

Difference calculator

Utility for showing the difference between two data structures. Such a mechanism is used for test logs or automatic changes screening in configuration files.
Acquired skills:
- Creating CLI-utility
- Working with a file system
- Writing tests: Jest
- Recursion

RSS aggregator

RSS aggregator is a service that collects RSS feeds from dispersed sources and provides a single consolidated view. All you’re supposed to do is add the RSS feed URL to the RSS aggregator and it will show you all the recent posts published by the websites in one location. It contains a few paragraphs of the latest published posts, and at the end of every post, there will be a link that you can click on in case you want to read the entire article.
Acquired skills:
- Frontend architecture MVC
- Ajax
- Working with promises
- Yup-validator
- Text organization: i18next
- HTTP-requests: Axios

Chat (Slack)

The chat is a react application (with hooks). The user interface includes three pages created using react-bootstrap: SignUp, LogIn, and ChatPage with channels list and messages. Websocket, REST API interaction, Redux ( reduxjs/toolkit), page routing on the client side, authorization, and authentification are implemented.
Acquired skills:
- Page routing: React Router
- Form creation: Formik
- Authorization and authentification: JWT
- State management: Redux-Toolkit
- WebSocket API
- Modal windows
- Pop-up notifications: React-Toastify
- Obscene words filter: Leo-profanity
- Error monitoring: Rollbar (react)

  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • Git, GitHub
  • React
  • Rest API
  • WebSocket API
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Bootstrap
Описание проектов


Specialist, Fundamental and Applied Chemistry, Southern Federal University, Russia
Сентябрь 2013 - Июнь 2018

О себе
Готов к релокации
Могу проходить интервью на английском языке
Проживаю в городе Bangkok

Currently in Bangkok, Thailand
Ready to relocate


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