Data Engineer


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Versatile IT specialist with a dedicated focus in the Development, Test- & Quality Assurance of data applications and system integrations. Also have holistic experience across various industries and roles within the area of Digital Intelligence.


AB INITIO: Ab Initio GDE, Metadata Hub, Data Quality, Technical Repository
METHODOLOGIES: Scrum, Agile, Kanban DBMS: PostgreSQL, MySQL
OTHERS: Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Grafana, VMware, Postman, GrayLog, Kubernetes, Docker, Git, AWS, Jenkins, AZURE
Ab Initio Certified Technician, Scrum PSM 1, Microtest: CISCO CCNAX, Google Inc: Google Tag Manager Certified Engineer, AWS Cloud Pratitioneer

Описание проектов


Март 2022 - по настоящее время

As a Data Engineer, I leverage my expertise in Ab Initio, Python, Apache Spark, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, and other technologies to design, develop, and deploy robust data pipelines and infrastructure solutions as well as strong focus on Data Governance in Metadata field. With a focus on efficiency and scalability, I collaborate with cross-functional teams to drive data-driven insights and enable seamless data operations, contributing to the organization's success in leveraging data for strategic decision-making. Worked on different client projects: BMW, Lidl, Kaufland

QA Engineer / Frontend Developer, Flocktory
Февраль 2018 - Март 2022

Modular Integration services of the company to the customers. Main tasks and responsibilities: Development of ETL applications § Database administration, Integration/ API testing (White/Black/Grey Box),Regression testing of existing artefacts (HTML widgets/campaigns), Operation and troubleshooting of running modular campaigns, Creation of JavaScript scripts and snippets, Adaption of existing HTML code, Integration- and end-user support for GoogleTagManager and Google Analytics, Creation and enhancement of unit tests, Bug and incident dispatching Documentation

IT Infrastructure Engineer, LAFARGEHOLCIM
Декабрь 2016 - Март 2018

Improving and maintaining the corporate IT Infrastructure. Main tasks and responsibilities: § Expanding network systems (CISCO based), Administration and operation of server, end-user, tele- and video- conference systems, End User support, Incident solving and escalation Improving existing processes and workflows


Masters Degree in Business and Management, Sochi State University
Сентябрь 2019 - Июнь 2021

О себе
Готов к релокации в другую страну
Свободно владею английским языком
Проживаю в городе Munich


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