Junior frontend developer/ HTML developer


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Creative person with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. I obtained my PhD degree focused in Optics, but decided to change my life path and to try something that suits my interests more. I do not have any experience in front-end besides the completed online course. Therefore I will be happy to start my career as an intern or as a junior front-end developer.

My completed JS projects from Hexlet:

Brain Games (https://github.com/Tati92-L/frontend-project-lvl1)
The set of five mathematical games (CLI):

  1. Parity check
  2. Calculator
  3. Greatest common divisor
  4. Arithmetic progression
  5. Is it a prime number?

Skills acquired and applied:

Setting up the environment (Node.js, npm, eslint)
Setting up Github Actions
Handling and manipulating data via command line

CLI utility (https://github.com/Tati92-L/frontend-project-lvl2)
Difference calculator utility (calculating differences between two data structures trees)

Skills acquired and applied:
Building a modular architecture
Working with recursive trees
Test-driven development (Jest)

RSS Feeds Aggregator (https://github.com/Tati92-L/frontend-project-lvl3)

Skills acquired and applied:
Bootstrap layout
Webpack frontend bundler
Vercel deployment
Form validation (yup)
Organization of interface texts (i18n)
Working with DOM API
Applying the MVC Pattern
Asynchronous JS, working with promises (axious)

Slack chat (https://github.com/Tati92-L/frontend-project-lvl4)

Skills acquired and applied:
React Bootstrap layout
Interaction with Rest API
JWT technology for authorization and authentication
Redux Toolkit was used for state management
Сreating and receiving messages via websockets
Organization of interface texts (i18n)
Used pop-up notifications React Toastify
Leo-profanity library was used to filter obscene words
Rollbar deployed to track emerging errors

Layout projects (website pages):
1. https://github.com/Tati92-L/layout-project1
2. https://github.com/Tati92-L/layout-project2


CSS Flexbox
CSS Grid


Engineer, ITMO University
Сентябрь 2016 - Январь 2021

My work was devoted to the study of the segregation effect in light-emitting chemical cells based on perovskite.


PhD in Optics, ITMO University
Сентябрь 2016 - Декабрь 2020
MS, Technical Physics, Lappeenranta University of Technology
Сентябрь 2014 - Декабрь 2015
MS, BS, Nanotechnology, Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI"
Сентябрь 2009 - Июнь 2015

О себе
Свободно владею английским языком


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