Frontend Developer
Location: Russia, Moscow
Ready for relocation
Employment: full time
Remote job / Office
Frontend Developer with a desire to gain more experience and share my current knowledge to the benefit of the common deal. I have good knowledge of JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, HTML, CSS, Stylus, Figma. My passion is to create beautiful modern responsive websites and web applications. Ready to apply my passion for coding to a talented engineering team as a Frontend Developer.
Collection of console Brain-Games
Skills gained:
- environment setup: Linux (Ubuntu), Node.js, npm, VSCode, Eslint installation and configuration;
- installation of additional libraries;
- implementation of Airbnb coding standards using Eslint, CodeClimate;
- work with Git and Github;
- continuous integration (CI) using Github Actions;
- development of project architecture - isolation of side effects, the possibility to add new games.
Stack: JavaScript, Github, Eslint, CodeClimate, asciinema
A console application that compares two json/yaml tree structure files and displays the differences between them
Skills gained:
- environment setup: Linux (Ubuntu), Node.js, npm, VSCode, Eslint installation and configuration;
- experience with tree data structures and recursion;
- experience with textures of data formats: json, yaml;
- creating a module structure of the application;
- writing automated tests using the Jest framework;
- using CI Github Actions.
Stack: JavaScript, ESLint, Git, GitHub Actions (CI), CodeClimate, Commander.js, Lodash, Jest.
My Weather App
Demo | GitHub
- Weather App with React JS
- Current Weather, Hourly and Daily Forecast
- Free OpenWeatherMap API
- Geolocation
- Local Date & Time
- Responsive Website (Desktop & Mobile)
- Getting weather data for:
- the city from the list of cities
- the city found through the search
- the current browser geolocation
Stack: React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React-Bootstrap
Advertising Website for MMORPG Community
- Personal account on the website
- SingUp, LogIn, LogOut, E-mail confirmation
- Placement ad
- Categories selection
- Interaction with responses
- Scheduled tasks
- Subscription for Newsletters, new ads
Stack: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Python, Django, Redis, Celery
Playing the Drum Kit Online Game
Demo | GitHub
- Play the Drums pressing keys or clicking mouse
Stack: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Simon Game
Demo | GitHub
- Simon is an awesome electronic game of memory skill ))
- Try to repeat the combination of pressed buttons from the beginning
Stack: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, jQuery
Demo | GitHub
- Responsive website with my CV
- Adapted for screens of any sizes
Stack: HTML, CSS
• JavaScript • TypeScript • React • Redux • Redux Toolkit • HTML • CSS • Stylus
• Bootstrap • MaterialUI • Tailwind • Ant Design • Linux • Git • Figma
IT startup developing a platform for lecturers and customers collaboration.
- Developed an adaptive mobile version of the SPA website.
- Developed new components.
- Fix bugs, code refactoring.
- Team interaction: Project manager, Product manager, Designer, Back-end developer, QA.
Result: Project is ready for production.
Stack: TypeScript, React, Redux, HTML, CSS, Stylus.
Tools: Webstorm, Jira, Figma, GitLab, Miro.
Freelance project for Recruitment agency
I developed from zero new website for recruiting company.
Demo | GitHub
- Responsive MPA website with smart design and animation
- Info about the agency, its clients, services etc.
- Visitors can leave messages, study vacancies, apply for vacancies, contact recruiters, subscribe for new vacancies letters
- Recruiters can create, edit, delete vacancies and their profiles, collect vacancies applications
Stack: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Python, Django, SQL
Могу проходить интервью на английском языке
Проживаю в городе
Михаил, добрый день!
Сразу отмечу, что составлять резюме на английском нужно, только если вы нацелены на работу за рубежом/в международной компании и сама вакансия написана на английском.
Что улучшить в резюме:
1) Я бы описала позицию, на которую претендуете. Сейчас не совсем понятно, какую именно работу ищете. Тут должны быть критерии, которые для вас важны: удаленка/офис, тип занятости, готовность к релокации, город проживания и тп;
2) Поработать с описанием и оформлением учебных и pet-проектов: рассказать чуть больше про каждый проект, описать приобретенные навыки; ссылки на гитхаб зашить в названия проектов, сделать нумерацию/маркированный список, разграничить учебные проекты на Хекслете и pet-проекты заголовками;
Полина, спасибо!
Mikhail Ryamov18-07-2022 15:36:00Добавить комментарий/ссылку на вакансию