Frontend developer


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I'm looking for a team of the same enthusiastic specialists.

I can offer confident technical skills from myself, as well as a high degree of self-organization and decency.

The best part of my work is a designing, building and maintaining useful, high quality and scalable software.


*Specialization skills
- Strong experience in front-end and UI\UX domain
- Designing, implementing and maintaining single-page application with Native JavaScript and Frameworks (React, Angular, VanillaJS)
- Ability to design and implement the architecture of applicaion based on NodeJS, Express and NestJS
- Making web layouts based on responsive web design principles
- State management in React applications with Redux and MobX
- Experience in DSL and declarative languages (HTML, CSS, SVG, Markdown, yml)
- Strong experience in other tools (Webpack, npm, bash, vagrant, docker, InVision, Figma)
- Using programming languages in thе enterprise development and pet-projects (JavaScript, TypeScript, Php, Lisp, Elixir, Ruby)

*Common skills
- Development methodologies (SCRUM, kanban, waterfall)
- Principles of extreme programming (TDD, pair programming)
- Basics of networks working (how to web and internet works, DNS, HTTP)
- Basics of Computer Science and programming
- Basic programming paradigms (imperative, declarative, oop, functional, automata theory)
- Basic data structures in programming and principles of its works (linked lists, queue, stack, tree, graph, array, hash-map)
- Basics algorithms and computation processes (O-notation, binary search, DFS, sorting, iterative process, recursion, etc.)

*I'm interested in the following technologies
Data visualization
Engineering practices (CI\CD, configuration management, profiling)


Software Engineer, EPAM Systems
Август 2018 - Январь 2024

I'm working on toolbox and UI Kit for the data science platform.
I'm using React, TypeScript and MobX for building this project.

frontend-developer, Roistat
Апрель 2016 - Август 2018
  • Roistat-ui components library development
  • Widget components development
  • Project documentation development
  • Product maintenance
  • Code review
eCommerce operations manager, Gaijin Entertainment
Октябрь 2014 - Ноябрь 2015
  • management of the online store;
  • interaction with the digital distribution services (Steam, Sony PSN, uPlay);
  • supporting internal gaming platform;
  • project management;
  • e-commerce (PayPal, Gate2Shop, etc.).

Январь 2015 - Ноябрь 2024
HTML Academy
Август 2015 - Февраль 2016
Social Economic Institute, civil law degree
Сентябрь 2006 - Июль 2010

О себе
Могу проходить интервью на английском языке


The best part of my work is a designing ...

'a' is not needed, and I'm not sure what are you trying to say here. Maybe it was supposed to be something like 'I love designing, ...'?

Anonymous21-11-2019 16:26:35

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Ожидает подтверждения

Звучит довольно круто!

Я бы выделил еще знания по таким направлениям:

  • Языки (щас typescript почему-то в tools. Ну и сходу непонятно на каких языках можешь писать)
  • DevOps. Докер указан да, но непонятно как в целом с этим направлением, автоматизация, CI, облака вот это все.
  • Про тесты довольно куце. Сказано про TDD, но очень вскользь.

Спасибо за комментарий!
Наверное, стоит исключить технологии, в которых нет серьёзной экспертизы (за всё написанное нужно уметь грамотно пояснить), а не писать всё, с чем довелось поработать.

Dmitry Esin24-11-2019 09:55:46

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