Junior PHP Developer


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Junior PHP Developer

  • Completed HTML, CSS, JS, PHP courses at Сode-basics, chose PHP and continued studying at Hexlet.
  • Since August 2021, I have been studying at Hexlet under the PHP developer program.
  • Completed 3 projects out of 4:

Project 1 Brain Games
  • plunged into the PHP ecosystem
  • Learned how to set up a working environment
  • I learned how to use CodeSniffer (linter, code quality analyzer) and Composer dependency manager.
  • Worked with external repositories.
  • Gained experience building application architecture and writing clean code.
Tasks that I had to face when submitting the project:
  • Proper project setup and code compliance with coding standards.
  • Architecture. Proper allocation of functions, distribution of responsibilities between different parts of the system.
  • Naming. Code readability.
  • The simplicity of the system.

Project 2 Difference Calculator
  • worked with collections,
  • learned how to build and traverse a tree,
  • got acquainted with different data formats (json, yaml),
  • learned to parse and form them. I started writing tests (PHPUnit) and mastered the development through them.
  • Got acquainted with continuous integration (Cl) and extreme programming elements.
Tasks I solved when writing the project:
  • Support for different input formats: yaml and json
  • Report generation in the form of plain text, stylish and json

Project 3 Page Analyzer
  • Made a complete Website on Laravel (MVC architecture)
  • I wrote a structure with resource routing
  • Connected Bootstrap + Vite.js
  • I wrote a basic SEO analyzer
Project 4 Task manager
  • ** being developed **

About Me

I am 36, I live in Maykop. The level of my English allows me to read the official documentation.
Basically, my work experience is divided into two areas - sales and technical specialties, which gives me the opportunity to easily interact with people and understand technical topics without much difficulty.



I use PhpStorm


Student, Hexlet
Август 2021 - по настоящее время

Started learning on Hexlet under the PHP-developer program, completed 3 projects. Passed additional tests with 100% solution.

Service Engineer, A8 group of companies
Апрель 2020 - Июнь 2021

My field work included:
Reinstalling the system
troubleshooting the network
replacing broken parts on the equipment

assistant master, OOO Grand
Сентябрь 2013 - Август 2014

My responsibilities included:
refilling and restoring cartridges minor
repairs of office equipment
PCs and laptops, software installation.
Studied the basic principles of peripheral devices and desktop PCs


Automated systems for information processing and control, Adygрe State University
Август 2011 - Июль 2012
Radiophysics and Electronics, Kuban State University
Сентябрь 2003 - Июнь 2008

О себе
Начальные знания английского языка


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